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Perpetual: It’s a good time for income investors to consider equities

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As rates fall and corporate dividends strengthen, equities can provide a good alternative income strategy, argues Perpetual

The start of an interest rate easing cycle should prompt investors to reconsider equities as a source of income, as rising fully franked dividends offer an attractive alternative to bonds and cash.

That’s the view of Perpetual’s head of equities, Vince Pezzullo.

This week the Reserve Bank of Australia reduced the official cash rate for the first time in four years.

Falling interest rates can be a signal for investors to reassess their income strategies as yields on rate-linked, fixed-income investments decline.

But strong dividend returns from equities – and the prospect of rising corporate earnings – may offer an attractive alternative for investors seeking income, says Vince.

“Don’t forget that equities can be a good income vehicle, especially when delivered by a company structure” says Pezzullo, who manages Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC).

“And it’s an income that can grow over time.”

PIC aims to provide both income and long-term capital growth and has built a near decade-long track record of delivering fully franked dividends to shareholders, with a 9.6 per cent grossed up dividend yield last year.

“Expectations are for between one and four rates cuts over the course of 2025 that will take the cash rate from 4 per cent-plus down to 3 per cent-plus,” says Pezzullo.

“The gap between the cash rate and the yield that PIC offers is looking more and more attractive.”

Equity income grows

Pezzullo says investors should remember that an attractive feature of equities is the fact that corporate earnings tend to steadily grow over time, meaning that shareholders can generally expect future dividends from ASX listed companies to be higher.

“As the RBA cuts, interest rate-linked incomes will fall. But corporate earnings tend to grow over time — so equity-generated income keeps rising.”

As well as income, Australia’s equity market also looks well-placed to deliver capital growth as the world rotates away from expensive growth stocks to look for better value.

“We are such as value market, so resource heavy, that any sort of tail wind like good news out of out of China or a rotation away from tech would be very good for Australia.”

Don’t fear ASX all-time highs

Pezzullo says investors should not be deterred by record high levels for ASX stock indexes, as valuations generally remain attractive.

“Sure, the level of the index is high, but there’s still plenty of great, under-valued companies. Value stocks are trading at 12-13 times earnings. It's the growth stocks that are really expensive.”

He says increasing concentration in the market reinforces the need for a nimble, active approach to investing rather than relying on index returns.

“America has the Magnificent Seven — we’ve got the Magnificent One in Commonwealth Bank,” he says.

“CBA is trading on a growth multiple of 26 times earnings while its return on equity is actually at the lower end of the range. Why is that so? Basically, money is being forced in — for many big investors, CBA and BHP are the only big liquid names they can buy. The choice is banking or mining.”

He says investors should remember that the CBA share price has trebled since the GFC, while BHP has gone sideways.

“You can distil the market down to these two things: resources look very, very cheap because they've gone nowhere over the past decade, but the banks, particularly CBA, have rocketed.”


About Vince Pezzullo and Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC)

Vince is Perpetual’s head of equities and portfolio manager of Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC).

Vince has more than 20 years of experience in financial services including global experience as an analyst and portfolio manager.

Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (ASX:PIC) is a listed investment company which provides a simple and transparent way to invest in a diversified portfolio of high quality Australian and global listed securities.

PIC is managed to provide investors with an income stream and long-term capital growth.

Perpetual is a pioneer in Australian quality and value investing, with a heritage dating back to 1886.

We have a track record of contributing value through “active ownership” and deep research.

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Portfolio Manager

Vince Pezzullo
Head of Australian Equities, Portfolio Manager
Vince Pezzullo

Vince Pezzullo

Head of Australian Equities, Portfolio Manager

Years of experience: 30

Years at Perpetual: 17

Vince is the Head of Equities and the Portfolio Manager for Australian Share, Geared Australian Share, Concentrated Equity and the Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC) and the Co-Portfolio Manager for the Strategic Capital Fund.

Vince joined Perpetual Investments in July 2007 as an Analyst and since that time has covered the chemicals, diversified financials, banking, telecommunications, building materials and REITS sectors.

Prior to joining Perpetual, Vince was a senior portfolio manager/analyst in the large cap Australian equities team at Deutsche Asset Management and led the top 100 equities team. In addition, he had stock research responsibilities across a large number of sectors.

Vince was also a portfolio manager for a number of client portfolios and researched international stocks as part of the international equity division State Super (subsequently Deutsche). 

Vince has a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Economics and Finance.

This information has been prepared by Perpetual Investment Management Limited (PIML) ABN 18 000 866 535, AFSL 234426. PIML is the investment manager of the Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (PIC). It is general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice or take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information. The information is believed to be accurate at the time of compilation and is provided in good faith. This document may contain information contributed by third parties. PIML does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information contributed by a third party. Any views expressed in this document are opinions of the author at the time of writing and do not constitute a recommendation to act. This information, including any assumptions and conclusions is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of relevant practise or law that is often complex and can change.

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