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A track record of income and franked dividends

A track record of income and franked dividends

Search for ASX code PIC

Traded just like any stock, the Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX: PIC) provides easy access to a diverse portfolio of Australian and global shares. It’s designed to deliver an income stream and long-term capital growth.


You can buy and sell PIC shares on the ASX via your stockbroker, share trading account or other securities platform.

Why choose PIC?

PIC is focused on identifying high quality, attractively valued securities using a proven investment process that can navigate through tougher operating environments.

Since its listing on the ASX in 2014, PIC has established a track record of delivering consistent investment performance and has provided its shareholders with income via a consistent, fully franked dividend stream.[1]

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Features and benefits

Flexible investment strategy

Transparency, simplicity, visibility

One of Australia's most experienced

Rigorous company analysis and research

Flexible investment strategy

With the ability to invest up to 35% of the portfolio in global equities and up to 25% in cash, deposit products and senior debt, the Company’s investment strategy has the ability to enhance returns from global markets and better manage market risk.

Transparency, simplicity, visibility

Investing in a liquid investment that can be bought and sold easily on the ASX can offer you enhanced flexibility and control. There’s no application form and it’s easy to check the latest share market results.

One of Australia's most experienced

The Company is managed by Perpetual Asset Management Australia – one of Australia’s leading fund managers with a long track record and an experienced and well-resourced investment team.

Rigorous company analysis and research

The Manager’s investment team conducts extensive domestic and global company meetings and calls each year. Its rigorous security selection process is focused on quality and value.

Portfolio Managers

Vince Pezzullo
Head of Australian Equities, Portfolio Manager
STAFF Sean Roger.jpg
Sean Roger
Co-Portfolio Manager - Pure Equity Alpha, SHARE-PLUS Long-Short, Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC)
Vince Pezzullo

Vince Pezzullo

Head of Australian Equities, Portfolio Manager

Years of experience: 30

Years at Perpetual: 17

Vince is the Head of Equities and the Portfolio Manager for Australian Share, Geared Australian Share, Concentrated Equity and the Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC) and the Co-Portfolio Manager for the Strategic Capital Fund.

Vince joined Perpetual Investments in July 2007 as an Analyst and since that time has covered the chemicals, diversified financials, banking, telecommunications, building materials and REITS sectors.

Prior to joining Perpetual, Vince was a senior portfolio manager/analyst in the large cap Australian equities team at Deutsche Asset Management and led the top 100 equities team. In addition, he had stock research responsibilities across a large number of sectors.

Vince was also a portfolio manager for a number of client portfolios and researched international stocks as part of the international equity division State Super (subsequently Deutsche). 

Vince has a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Economics and Finance.

Sean Roger
STAFF Sean Roger.jpg

Sean Roger

Co-Portfolio Manager - Pure Equity Alpha, SHARE-PLUS Long-Short, Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC) BAcc

Years of experience: 12

Years at Perpetual: 11

Sean is the Co-Portfolio Manager for the Perpetual SHARE-PLUS Long-Short Fund, the Perpetual Pure Equity Alpha Fund and the Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC).

Sean joined Perpetual in February 2013 as a Graduate Accountant. He joined the Investments team in August 2014 as an Equities Dealer and was appointed an Equities Analyst in January 2016 where he was responsible for covering a number of stocks in the gaming and agricultural sectors. He was appointed Deputy Portfolio Manager for the Perpetual SHARE-PLUS Long-Short Fund and the Perpetual Pure Equity Alpha Fund in 2021 and 2022 respectively, and was appointed Co-Portfolio Manager of both funds as well as the Perpetual Equity Investment Company (ASX:PIC) in 2025.

Sean has a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of Technology, Sydney and has completed the Chartered Accountants program.

How to invest with us

Shares in the Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (ASX:PIC) are listed and traded on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). To become a shareholder, simply buy shares through a stockbroker, accountant or other professional advisers, wrap or platform.

Platforms that provide access to ASX: PIC - BT Panorama, CFS FirstWrap, Hub24, Macquarie Wrap, Netwealth, Praemium, AMP North, Expand Extra and Mason Stevens. If ASX: PIC is not available on your preferred platform, please contact us.

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[1] Past payments of dividends is not indicative of future payments of dividends. The payment of dividends is at the discretion of the PIC board.

[2] Profit reserve of $73.1 million as at 31 December 2024 after taking into account the estimated payment of the interim dividend. This equates to 19.1 cents per share and provides for 2.4 years dividend coverage assuming a total dividend payment of 8.0 cents per share per annum. This does not take into account any changes to share capital. No representation is made in relation to the payment of future dividends, which will be at the discretion of the Company’s Board.

[3] Yield is calculated based on the total dividends of 8.0 cents per share and the closing share price of $1.185 as at 31 December 2024. Grossed up yield takes into account franking credits at a tax rate of 30%. No representation is made about the payment of future dividends.

Disclaimer/important information

All investments carry risk, including loss of capital.  This information was prepared by Perpetual Investment Management Limited (PIML) ABN 18 000 866 535, AFSL 234426. PIML is the manager for the Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited (Company) (ASX: PIC) ACN 601 406 419. It is general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice. You should consider, with a financial adviser, whether the information is suitable for your circumstances. This information is in summary form and is not necessarily complete. It should be read together with other announcements for the Company lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange, which are available at www.asx.com.au. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information.

This information may contain information that is based on projected and/or estimated expectations, assumptions or outcomes. These forward-looking statements are subject to a range of risk factors. The Company and PIML caution against relying on any forward-looking statements, particularly due to uncertainty and volatility in the market and geo-political factors.

While PIML has prepared this information based on its current knowledge and understanding and in good faith, there are risks and uncertainties involved which could cause results to differ from the forward-looking statements. Neither the Company or PIML will be liable for the correctness and/or accuracy of the information, nor any differences between the information provided and actual outcomes, and reserves the right to change its projections or other forward-looking statements from time to time. Neither the Company nor PIML undertake to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this presentation, subject to disclosure obligations under the applicable law and ASX listing rules.

Neither the Company, PIML nor any company in the Perpetual Group guarantees the performance of, or any return on an investment made in, the Company. Perpetual Group means Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.